The Bittersweet of Airports

Posted: 5th October 2011 by admin in Uncategorized

I find airports to be very bittersweet. Airports are wonderful places when you are arriving to say hello to those you have missed. Returning back to your family, relatives, friends. Those times makes me love arriving at the airport. The bitter part is the leaving from an airport. When I have to leave family and friends, I do not like arriving at the airport to have to say goodbye. It tends to end in tears. I remember one time leaving my parents, when I was going to college that I managed not to shed a tear. It was welled up in my throat ready to burst but I stayed “strong” and managed to not cry as I said goodbye, not cry as the plane lifted off the ground. Another time more recently I moved from the USA to Japan and had to say goodbye to my sister. After having done so much together this past five years, it was going to be a hard goodbye. But I managed to again not cry. Not even on the plane. Later I thought about it and wondered if that was such a good thing. My sister also managed to not cry. I got a voice message from her later, and she was in the car crying. I felt really bad then because it was hard on her to say goodbye because now she is the only one of our family still in the States. It almost felt like I was ditching her. I know that is not the case, but anyways I was wondering “Why did I not cry?” Is it so wrong to shed a tear. It would have expressed to her that I was also having a hard time saying goodbye. We both knew and had talked before about it. So it makes sense why not. I just did not feel completely right that I stayed so strong. It helped to get through the airport and makes the crying later more private then when going through the security points and all.


I love to travel and go to new places and I am glad I do not let the pain of going through airports and planes stop me but I can see why it could deter others from wanting to make a trip. Prices are rising, the baggage allowance is getting worse. But I would hate to miss the world around me. I want to see places. I may have to take my time as I need to work and save up some money.


I wrote a new discussion on the forum page about airport stories. This was an add on but felt it kinda went off on a rabbit trail in a different aspect of airports. So at the forum you can tell your airport stories!! Would love to hear them! Also comments here would be nice as well!


  1. Anonymous says:

    I’m still getting used to it… only had it for 2 months. I keep expecting to suddenly need to leave just because I’ve made a commitment to stay. That is the way it usually works!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I love airports! and they do have a bittersweet engergy flood to them for me as well. The minute I get to an airport I start looking around at faces. I love to see all the different people going so many different ways. As a kid my hands down favorite was LAX it was such a large airport with great people watching opportunities. And now as an adult, more often than not, I run into someone random I know sometimes from halfway around the world, someone I haven’t seen for years!