Greeting Everyone.

Posted: 29th November 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

Hi Everyone,

I just joined this week and I just wanted to formally introduce myself to the group. I just edited my profile so I figured it is easier to copy and paste my story here instead of retyping everything! Feel free to add me as a friend and tell me more about your experience!

My story is very similar to many here. I am a Third Culture Kid! It is pretty cool to have found a community that I can relate to. So I was born in Dakar, Senegal to a diplomat dad and a nurse mom. They meet in Geneva, Switzerland. We traveled / lived to many countries including Iraq, Algeria, Senegal, Italy and now the US where I reside and obtained citizenship. I lived the longest in the US (15 years) followed by Italy (7 years). The journey was definitely an interesting one and while I loved the experiences growing up, it is sometimes hard to find a place to call home. I am currently single from a relatively recent long term relationship that ended last year. While I am open to whatever happens, I am really looking to network and get to know like minded people.

I speak four languages, fluent in English, French and Italian and conversational in Spanish. My native language is French. Since moving to the US, I obtained my Bachelor in Finance, worked 6 years for a bank in NYC and now moved to San Francisco where I am pursuing my Masters in Business and leading a start-up firm focusing on Recruiting with a focus on diversity (including diversity of nationality in the workplace). I find that my new found passion is a perfect blend of my experiences and makes me much happier than my experience on Wall Street.

I love to dance! I really have a passion for it. Especially music with a lot of beats :). Well enough said here, if you want to connect, definitely send me a friend request and lets get to know each others. I am a firm believer that like minded people can accomplish great things together. Lastly, let me end with a great quote “Let us see the world as a place with infinite possibilities rather than obstacles”.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Actually. I’d love to help. I feel a little anxious tho as I feel I could still use some mentoring myself.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi Karim, thanks for sharing your story.  Congrats on finding your passion and working to increase diversity in the workplace.  Much still needs to be done.  I once worked in investment banking in NYC.