So today, a good friend of mine moved to France.
I was sad, but super excited for her, as it was her first time moving –ever.
However, I didn’t really display my sadness, because when I was growing up, that was frowned upon. Plus, when you have never lived anywhere more than 3 years, friends coming in and out of your geographic position isn’t really that big of a deal.
But apparently it is to one of my roommates.
She took one look at my not-sad-enough face, and flat out called me a bitch.
Because I “obviously didn’t love my friend, since I am not even sad to see her go.”
Ok, first of all, you have known me a whole 5 months. How dare you presume to understand how I am feeling?! Not to mention, you’ve freaking known me a whole 5 months! You should know by now that I rarely show my real emotions.
Secondly, just because I don’t feel the need to cry, and scream, and throw things, and lapse into a month long depression because my friend left (like YOU do), doesn’t mean I’m not upset.
It doesn’t mean I am not going to miss my friend.
I am.
But more than that, I am excited for her, ok?
She has the whole great new experience waiting for her, and it is going to be epic, and I will see her again, it is not like she is dying.
I now have a reason to travel (back) to France.
We have Facebook, and letters, and phones, so it isn’t like I will never talk to her again.
So cut the name calling.
And stop looking at me like I killed a baby seal or something.
Although seal meat is delicious.
Not that you’d know.
Because you have never been anywhere.
And wrinkle your nose at the idea of eating any meat besides beef, chicken, and pork.
Now I DO sound like a bitch.