Social Isolation and Exclusion

Posted: 15th September 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

Hey everyone,

Clark Levykh here, age 25, living currently in Vancouver Canada. Part of my story is that I definitely don’t feel that I belong anywhere in Canada, I’ve been right across this country and most of the people (from my experience) are VERY anti-social and egotistical, it’s absolutely horrendous. In fact, the police officers at Winnepeg Airport told me that Winnepeg is a mean city and to get out ASAP. After travelling a lot and being physically tortured, when I came back to Canada I was homeless on arrival, with no supports, no help, almost nobody caring, people not believing me (like I have to show evidence in order to get help, completely crazy), and everywhere I went in western Canada, seeing people scratching their butts and genitals in public, very very egotistical and anti-social behaviour, the exact (and I mean exact) opposite of what I saw in Geneve Suisse.

I really feel that North America has become a living prison, with a military police state (the US), and a country slowly becoming an authoritarian police state (Canada). Most people here don’t have a passport, have absolutely no idea what the rest of the world is like, and act as if they’re better than everyone else. How many times have I heard people on the bus and streets say they don’t care about other eople, not to mention media outlets? This is a moral and cultural wasteland, a desert made into an empire, a place devoid of soul and spirit and freedom.

This and lots lots more, is what I plan to talk about at a community summit happening from Sept 18-23 at Simon Fraser University Vancouver campus:

“It’s here! On September 18 – 23rd – the SFU Public Square is hosting its inaugural Community Summit Alone Together: Connecting in the City in partnership with the Vancouver Foundation, and with support from our community summit partners Vancity, the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Sun.

The Community Summit events are designed to explore civic isolation and disconnection in the cities of Metro Vancouver, and consider how we can come together to strengthen engagement and connection across community and cultural ties. Please join the conversation and attend one or many of our events!”

See more @ 

I haven’t been able to find community here in Metro Vancouver, in fact in most of this country. I was only in Geneve for 13 days, so it may be that upon arriving to live there for a while that things may not go so well, but from what I’ve heard Switzerland and Geneve are great places for meeting people, and exploring the outdoors. At the end of this month I will be starting a business, continuing my schedule of monthly travelling, and overall working on getting things together to leave Canada for the long-term for Europe, starting with Suisse.

Starting a business to pay off debts (I’m on Disability Benefits from the provincial government so $650 that I owe them – security deposits for places that are loans, $2050 to the federal government in Ottawa for them paying for repatriation from Israel last year + finanical assistance in Geneve (a loan that I have to pay off believe it or not!), get off of goverment welfare forever + get out of poverty, do long-term wandering and travelling across Europe, and getting invloved in child sponsorship and philantropy. These are some of my goals for the next 12 months. I am also considering moving to the Cayman Islands at the end of the month (I can land there without a passport, government-issued photo ID + birth certificate is required), if things go south over here even more with accomodation and the social climate.

One year after

Posted: 15th September 2012 by admin in Uncategorized


1 year after I discovered TCKID, I thought it was time for a re-visit. I have to thank this website/community so much, as it had definitely helped me find who I am, accept who I am, and live life to the fullest.

I believe I have accepted my fate – I am still living here in Vancouver, Canada away from my family who are all back in the Philippines. Most of my friends and colleagues think I’m crazy as we have a family business in the Philippines – no ordinary business, it’s a beach resort. Who wouldn’t want to live in a beach resort? In arguably the most beautiful island in the Philippines, El Nido, Palawan. But there’s just something to be said about freedom. As far as I can remember, I enjoyed my freedom, being able to have so much space to think beyond your dreams and do whatever you feel like doing. But not to say, I still have doubts sometimes of going back to the Philippines, when times get hard here in Canada.

My only qualms at the moment, is relationships. I have gone into two relationships since I arrived here in Vancouver, in the last 2.5 years. And they both didn’t work out. The last one was just very recent actually – that’s maybe the reason why I found my way back here in TCK. Hmm… Is it the connection? Chemistry? Arguably.. both were local Vancouverites, lived here all their lives, with their friends and family, and I was an outsider – just different experiences maybe. Is there a TCK out there for me? 🙂 Well, it is what it is. Who knows how relationships work – they either do or they don’t. It is what it is… If the shoe fits!

just like me

Posted: 9th September 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

So, when some time in my late teens, I stumbled into the realisation that the majority of my heroes were not heroines, and that fewer still shared my ethnic origins, for a while I was angry. I was angry with the industry for the limited diet they’d been serving me all my life and angry with myself for accepting and enjoying it. Then I started thinking of the adverts I’d seen ever since I started going to boarding school in East & Southern Africa. The majority of the models were black (okay, so many of them were advertising skin lighteners and hair relaxers – but still) …read more

New online mentoring program for expat teens!

Posted: 26th August 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

What are your thoughts about a new online mentoring program for expat teens?

Read all about it in an interview on my blog with Ellen from Sea Change Mentoring.

Rwanda Iwacu

Posted: 26th August 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

I’ve heard it said, when speaking of the US, that there is no greater patriotism, than that of an immigrant. I’ve heard it said of Christians, that those who were forgiven many sins, love more than those who were forgiven few (see Luke 7:36-49). Perhaps it should be said of Rwandans that, some of the most fiercely passionate about this country, are those who’ve returned from the diaspora …read more

The Book

Posted: 20th August 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

Alone, I am nothing.  I am made up of little pieces of the world.  Bits of many people and places.

When I was very little I lived in Burma and there was a small bridge not far from my house where I used to go play.  The whole world lived under that bridge and I controlled it.  I observed and reigned.  I never dared step in to that world, though.  It was too dangerous. I stayed on the outside with my nanny protecting me.

Writing a book is a gargantuan task.  It is one of the scariest things in the world.  Not only is there the fear of failure  –  “even if I do finish it, will anybody want to read it?”…. but, there is also the fear of losing a part of yourself.  Every writer must give a piece of themselves, a part of their soul.

Will it be enough?  Is it noteworthy?  Why is it necessary?  Somebody I know once told me it is a form of immortality.  All humans strive for immortality and writing is the way to achieve it.  Maybe.  But is that why we do it?   Really?

Continue reading

An Englishman’s View of the Philippines

Matthew Sutherland, a British journalist stationed in the Philippines, wrote two hilarious articles over ten years ago pertaining to his take on Filipino culture.  The two articles are combined here in into one under “Matter of Taste.” This amusing piece has been published in The Mindanao Examiner and in several Filipino blog sites, and has been widely circulated in emails.

       You might have read a “Matter of Taste” before, but it’s good to revisit it – because it’s not just funny, but insightful and true.  And I highly recommend it for releasing stress.  LOL!! 
Matter of Taste by Matthew Sutherland
       I have now been in this country for over six years, and consider myself in most respects well assimilated.  However, there is one key step on the road to full assimilation, which I have yet to take, and that’s to eat BALUT.
       The day any of you see me eating balut, please call immigration and ask them to issue me a Filipino passport.  Because at that point there will be no turning back!  BALUT, for those still blissfully ignorant non-Pinoys out there, is a fertilized duck egg.  It is commonly sold with salt in a piece of newspaper, much like English fish and chips, by street vendors usually after dark, presumably so you can’t see how gross it is.
       It’s meant to be an aphrodisiac, although I can’t imagine anything more likely to dispel sexual desire than crunching on a partially formed baby duck swimming in noxious fluid.  The embryo in the egg comes in varying states of development, but basically it is not considered macho to eat one without fully discernable feathers, beak and claws.  Some say these crunchy bits are the best.  Others prefer to drink the so-called ‘soup’, the vile, pungent liquid that surround the aforementioned feathery fetus … excuse me; I have to go and throw up now.  I’ll be back in a minute.
       Food dominates the life of the Filipino.  People here just love to eat.  They eat at least eight times a day.  These eight official meals are called, in order: breakfast, snacks, lunch, merienda, merienda cena, dinner, bedtime snacks and no-one-saw-me-take-that-cookie-from-the- fridge-so-it-doesn’t-count.
       The short gaps in between these mealtimes are spent eating Sky Flakes from the open packet that sits on every desktop.  You’re never far from food in the Philippines.  If you doubt this, next time you’re driving home from work, try this game.  See how long you can drive without seeing food and I don’t mean a distant restaurant, or a picture of food.  I mean a man on the sidewalk frying fish balls, or a man walking through the traffic selling nuts or candy.  I bet it’s less than one minute.
       Here are some other things I’ve noticed about food in the Philippines:
       Firstly, a meal is not a meal without rice – even breakfast.  In the UK, I could go a whole year without eating rice.  Second, it’s impossible to drink without eating.  A bottle of San Miguel isn’t just the same without gambas or beef tapa.  Third, no one ventures more than two paces from their house without baon (food in small container) and a container of something cold to drink.  You might as well ask a Filipino to leave home without his pants on.  And lastly, where I come from, you eat with a knife and fork.  Here, you eat with a spoon and fork.  You try eating rice swimming in fish sauce without a knife.
       One really nice thing about Filipino food culture is that people always ask you to SHARE their food.  In my office, if you catch anyone attacking their baon, they will always go, “Sir! KAIN TAYO!” (Let’s eat!”)
This confused me, until I realized that they didn’t actually expect me to sit down and start munching their boneless bangus.  In fact, the polite response is something like, “No thanks, I just ate.”  But the principle is sound – if you have food on your plate, you are expected to share it, however hungry you are, with those who may be even hungrier.  I think that’s great!
       In fact, this is frequently even taken one step further.  Many Filipinos use “Have you eaten yet?” (“KUMAIN KA NA?”) as a general greeting, irrespective of time of day or location.
       Some foreigners think Filipino food is fairly dull compared to other Asian cuisines.  Actually lots of it is very good: Spicy dishes like Bicol Express (strange, a dish named after a train); anything cooked with coconut milk; anything cholesterolic frenzy of a good old-fashioned LECHON de leche (roast pig) feast.  Dig a pit, light a fire, add 50 pounds of animal fat on a stick, and cook until crisp.  Mmm, mmm … you can actually feel your arteries constricting with each successive mouthful.
       I also share one key Pinoy trait — a sweet tooth.  I am thus the only foreigner I know who does not complain about sweet bread, sweet burgers, sweet spaghetti, sweet banana ketchup, and so on.  I am a man who likes to put jam on his pizza.  Try it!
       It’s the weird food you want to avoid.  In addition to duck fetus in the half-shell, items to avoid in the Philippines include pig’s blood soup (DINUGUAN); bull’s testicle soup, the strangely-named “SOUP NUMBER FIVE” (I dread to think what numbers one through four are); and the ubiquitous, stinky shrimp paste, BAGOONG, and it’s equally stinky sister, PATIS.
       Filipinos are so addicted to these latter items that they will even risk arrest or deportation trying to smuggle them into countries like Australia and the USA, which wisely ban the importation of items you can smell from more than 100 paces.
       Then there’s the small matter of the purple ice cream.  I have never been able to get my brain around eating purple food; the ubiquitous UBE leaves me cold.
       And lastly, on the subject of weird food, beware that KALDERETANG KAMBING (goat) could well be KALDERETANG ASO (dog) …
The Filipino, of course, has a well-developed sense of food.
       Here’s a typical Pinoy food joke:  “I’m on a seafood diet.”  “What’s a seafood diet?”  “When I see food, I eat it!”
Filipinos also eat strange bits of animals — the feet, the head, the guts, etc., usually barbecued on a stick.  These have been given witty names, like “ADIDAS” (chicken’s feet); “KURBATA” (either just chicken’s neck, or “neck and thigh” as in “neck-tie”); “WALKMAN” (pig’s ears); “PAL” (chicken wings); “HELMET” (chicken head); “IUD” (chicken intestines); and BETAMAX” (video-cassette-like blocks of animal blood).  Yum, yum.  Bon appétit!
     WHEN I arrived in the Philippines from the UK six years ago, one of the first cultural differences to strike me was names.  The subject has provided a continuing source of amazement and amusement ever since.  The first unusual thing, from an English perspective, is that everyone here has a nickname.  In the staid and boring United Kingdom, we have nicknames in kindergarten, but when we move into adulthood we tend, I am glad to say, to lose them.
       The second thing that struck me is that Philippine names for both girls and boys tend to be what we in the UK would regard as overbearingly cutesy for anyone over five.  Where I come from, a boy with a nickname like Boy Blue or Honey Boy would be beaten to death at school by pre-adolescent bullies, and never make it to adulthood.  So probably would girls with names like Babes, Lovely, Precious, Peachy or Apples. Here, however, no one bats an eyelid.
       Then I noticed how many people have what I have come to call “door-bell names.”  These are nicknames that sound like –well, doorbells.  There are millions of them.  Bing, Bong, Ding, and Dong are some of the more common.  They can be, and frequently are, used in even more door-bell-like combinations such as Bing-Bong, Ding-Dong, Ting-Ting, and so on.  Even our newly appointed chief of police has a doorbell name Ping.  None of these doorbell names exist where I came from, and hence sound unusually amusing to my untutored foreign ear.
       Someone once told me that one of the Bings, when asked why he was called Bing, replied, “because my brother is called Bong.” Faultless logic.
       Repeating names was another novelty to me, having never before encountered people with names like Len-Len, Let-Let, Mai-Mai, or Ning-Ning.  The secretary I inherited on my arrival had an unusual one: Leck-Leck.  Such names are then frequently further refined by using “squared” symbol, as in Len2 or Mai2.  This had me very confused for a while.
       Then there is the trend for parents to stick to a theme when naming their children.  This can be as simple as making all names begin with the same letter, as in Jun, Jimmy, Janice, and Joy.
       More imaginative parents shoot for more sophisticated forms of assonance or rhyme, as in Biboy, Boboy, Buboy, Baboy (notice the names get worse the more kids there are – best to be born early or you could end up being a Baboy).
       Even better, parents can create whole families of, say, desserts (Apple Pie, Cherry Pie, Honey Pie) or flowers (Rose, Daffodil, Tulip).  The main advantage of such combinations is that they look great painted across your trunk if you’re a cab driver.
     That’s another thing I’d never seen before coming to Manila – taxis with the driver’s kids’ names on the trunk.
       Another whole eye-opening field for the foreign visitor is the phenomenon of the “composite” name.  This includes names like Jejomar (for Jesus, Joseph and Mary, and the remarkable Luzviminda (for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, believe it or not.)
       That’s a bit like me being called something like “Engscowani” (for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.)  Between you and me, I’m glad I’m not.
       And how could I forget to mention the fabulous concept of the randomly inserted letter ‘h’.  Quite what this device is supposed to achieve, I have not yet figured out, but I think it is designed to give a touch of class to an otherwise only averagely weird name.  It results in creations like Jhun, Ljenn, Ghemma, and Jhimmy. 
       How boring to come from a country like the UK full of people with names like John Smith.  How wonderful to come from a country where imagination and exoticism rule the world of names.
       Even the towns here have weird names; my favorite is the unbelievably named town of Sexmoan (ironically close to Olongapo and Angeles).  Where else in the world could that really be true?
      Where else in the world could the head of the Church really be called Cardinal Sin?
      Where else but the Philippines!
Philippine News
· Floods put 9MM, Luzon under state of calamity
· Rainfall volume surpasses ‘Ondoy’
· Dollar reserves rise to $79.35 billion in July
· MAPUA recruiting Fil-Am students
· CNN highlights progress in the Philippine economy
San Diego News
Health & Safety
· How to stop equating money with self-worth
Trends: Business and Technology
· American retirees, the next big business for the Philippines
· Humans and the Computer
· Vonage Launches New Unlimited Calling Plan to the Philippines in Partnership with Globe Telecom
AT LARGE by Miles Beauchamp, PhD
· Score a big one for NASA
Light & Shadows – Zena Sultana-Babao
· An Act of Rebellion
BALINTATAW by Virginia Ferrer
· Isang Basong Gatas   (2)
Events & Entertainment
· Gesta may fight IBF champ Vazquez
· Pinoy group wins in world hip hop tilt
Food for Thought
· Life Lessons
· God of the Oppressed | Chapter 7: Carlo Paterno
LOWER YOUR NETS by Monsignor Fernando Gutierrez
· The Subjective and Objective Faith
· Tita Swarding, Bayaran at Spy Raw ni Vilma ???
TAKE IT FROM MY BARBER by Benjamin Maynigo
· Olympic Memories in GB: GB, GB, GB, GB, GB, & GB
· The Dark Nights of Father Madrid | Chapter 3: Rebel Doctor
Asian Journal Print Edition
· Asian Journal August 10-16, 2012 digital edition

Here’s the link to my latest blog post. I would love to hear what your transition was like when you went to university or college.

Okay, I must admit, I have been reluctant to make this blog post, primarily because I do not want my fellow TCK’s to think that they are guaranteed to experience what I went through. It is important to remember that we all deal with life issues differently, even as TCKs.

It was while I was at Bible College many years ago that I learned I was a TCK. Someone came and did a lecture on TCKs and it was like someone had a book open on my life and was reading from it. It was an experience that transformed me. Here was someone who understood me and how I felt. Sadly it was soon after this experience that I came down with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I do not know  what brought it on… perhaps it was a health issue I would have had anyway, perhaps it was what was going on in my head, perhaps it was the emotions that were released within me. All I know is that for the next 6 months it controlled my life. I was exhausted! Just walking up the stairs left me sleeping for the rest of the day! It wasn’t until a friend invited me to Switzerland that I gradually got better. In fact, it was a process that I was unaware of. I was better and I could not remember when the change occurred!

Since those days from time to time I will have short bouts of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but very rarely and not for very long or as severe as that time. If you suffer/ed from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome i would love to hear from you about your experiences. Perhaps we can gain an insight into the Syndrome and whether it is something that few or many TCKs have had to deal with.

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost – Tolkien

Posted: 2nd August 2012 by admin in Uncategorized

 Note: Comments are from Michael Pollock

Love that poem and the what the character, Aragorn, stands for- a person who stands to inherit much, yet makes his own way for a time in part to protect those he would one day lead and in part out of his own fear of failing to live up to his calling…

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.[1]
Perhaps many (all) people experience that time of wandering. In Aragorn’s case it was not because he was evil (the other way to see the word ‘lost’) nor was he aimless. He was on a mission himself, leading the Dunedain in his own way and seeking to prove his own character. That was good for a time but he was made for more than that. Good lesson, methinks.